Welcome to Venus' journal/micro-blog! A place for my thoughts n stuff.

Venus' micro-blog and journal

Date: 26/12/2024

Feeling: stuck

over it

2024 felt like all the wishes I had in 2021 came true except I forgot to wish carefully. This year was so hell. Yea, im grateful for all this but i wish i could go back and change a couple of things. I wish i made different choices. I'll never forget sixteen. It was one of the best years of my life. Id redo 16, but to redo 17 you'd have to pay me a whole lot.

The only good thing this year was seeing my mom after 5 years. And also the insane amount of freedom I got. Everything else sucked. I can't wait for 2025 to roll around because it gives me the feeling of a brand new, fresh start. (even if everything that sucked about 24' will rollover to 25' because it doesn't just go away on its own).

I also started a new journal for 2025. And theres this force that's preventing me from doing anything until then because I want all the trinkets and things I do to count for '2025' but that's just a weird rule to uphold. Like, I haven't watched a new movie or begun a new book because I wan't to write it down for 2025. Does that make sense? Ok, anyway. Bye 4 now.

Date: 25/12/2024

Feeling: insomniac

Working on this site...

There's not much to see here for now. I got lazy and used Repth's layout, found here. >>Repth<<

Images used here/across the site have all been found on pinterest, linked on the main page!

ok bye.
